Previously Helmsley Spear managed a portfolio of more than 100 million square feet of commercial office properties throughout the United States. This portfolio had been significantly reduced after the death of Harry Helmsley in 1997 and is now, once again increasing its presence in the real estate industry. The firm understands that good property management is the key to maximizing the value of a real estate asset, and therefore must be both cost effective and comprehensive in order to maintain a building’s financial and physical integrity.
Through careful planning, close cooperation with tenants, and the utilization of a proactive approach to property management, the effect of potential problems on the operation and budget of a building can be minimized. This approach also leads to a smooth building operation, a better quality of life for tenants and an overall increase in a property’s value. To achieve these goals, Helmsley Spear develops programs that are tailored to each building’s specific requirements, as opposed to fitting individual properties into pre-established systems.
Helmsley Spear distinguishes itself in the property management field through the depth of its senior management and the way in which staff is assigned a property manager. A senior management executive is assigned to oversee each property, thus ensuring that a proactive, as opposed to a reactive, approach to problem solving is taken.
Helmsley Spear approaches property management from an owner’s understanding and point of view. With its principals having developed, owned, and managed properties that rank among some of the nation’s premier commercial and residential buildings, Helmsley Spear manages its clients’ portfolio with the same care and attention to detail that an owner would provide. This means always being sensitive to maximizing efficiency, productivity and profitability, while consistently offering the finest quality service to tenants and residents.